What is Depression?
Depression is part of everyday terminology, a normal part of life. Everyone has low moods. In its simplest state, depression is just a feeling of being down in the dumps which lasts longer than a mood change. So when is depression normal and when is it clinical depression? If it is really difficult to get things done because of a feeling that nothing works for you, you might be suffering from clinical or even major depression.There are many tests which can detect depression getting out of hand. In our extensive experience, the best depression test is how YOU feel. If you think your depression is a problem, then it is.
How we can help you
The upliftment from the depressed state is like a bird turning round in its cage and discovering the door was open all along, flying tentatively towards the window and finding there is no glass. Please take a look at our services page or scroll down to book an appointment. The simplest solutions work best, no telephone calls or travel necessary, book an introductory session – even by email if you prefer. Speak to us however your voice naturally flows – we do written help beautifully too. Chat’s available on the bottom right of the screen.