Do you have an Eating Disorder?
We treat eating disorders as obsessive thinking, and at, treating obsessive thinking is our forte.
anorexia nervosa
Self-esteem is central to anorexia, and this is where we begin. Self-esteem easily becomes over-associated with body weight. Anorexia treatment with involves drawing a distinction between body shape and size and overall worthiness as a person. Anorexia Nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness and we suggest treatment commences immediately.
While anorexia starts most commonly in puberty, we are seeing it start much earlier.
binge eating
Binge eating is a compulsion driven by mentally over-connecting comfort with eating. We begin by listening, reframing self-esteem and then drawing a distinction between food and comfort. We then develop new methods of self comfort.
bulimia nervosa
With a later onset than anorexia, bulimia nervosa is a pattern of eating which relies upon bingeing and purging foods eaten. Often a person with bulimia may take large quantities of laxatives to control and maintain their weight. We would begin by using health supplements to build up the body’s ability to digest food and absorb vitamins and develop healthy methods of emotion regulation.
Pica is a psychological condition whereby people are compelled to eat non-food items, such as paper (xylophagia) or paint, metal, coal or chalk. Eating ice (pagophagia) is a common compulsion. Whilst Trichophagia is the compulsion to eat hair (usually one’s own). Such eating habits are continuous for more than 30 days for diagnosis.
Our treatment for PICA takes the form of a detailed dietary review, recommending certain vitamins in powder form, we then use habit control methods and mechanisms and teach emotion management as well as habit reversal.
How we can help you
Like all our treatments, we will use video chat to help you within the comfort of your own home. A comforting voice can often help you to feel at ease. We’ll make sure your body is absorbing and utilising foods and nutrients in a healthy way. Topping up your self-esteem using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), we help you to unravel and relieve old patterns of self-abuse.
We will help you reach a relationship with food which serves you positively, which is exactly what we will do for you.
Let us break the spell. Eat and live well.
Read our magazine for our thoughts and up-to-date information. It may answer any questions you have!