What is Loneliness?
The mention of loneliness evokes hollow feelings of shame and worthlessness. If you are experiencing this right now, nobody understands it better than me. I’m so sorry for the horrible feelings you’re facing. Taking the time to read this without rushing yourself can ease your pain. Solutions to complex problems are simple: breathe for a moment and together, we’ll reach for an antidote.
How does loneliness start?
Myself and so many others who have received coaching with me, have experienced the feelings of being different from others and therefore isolated. For many of us it started as a result of a move or starting a new school, while others have lost someone precious to them and have felt unable to deeply connect since then.
How we can help you
Whatever the source of your loneliness, we can help you find new ways to adapt to any changes in your lifestyle and meet people with a similar outlook. It is easy to feel alone in crowds of people, but usually that’s because the person in the mirror is letting you down. Imagine for a moment that you could have a friend who could never be taken away from you, who you knew would help you through any problems you might face with a cheery attitude? Perhaps a person who could be as supportive to you as you are to others? Someone whose skills match your own. Life would be a warmer, more inviting place. You would feel safer and generally more upbeat. Your quality of life could be raise day-by-day. Who is that friend? That same person in the mirror. We can help you develop this understanding and contentment with yourself.