Your days seem dark and glum? Life can be tough, but we will help you see that there’s no reason to ever give up on YOU. There is so much colour around you, we can help you adjust your lenses. There is so much joy inside you, and we can help you find that. Learn how to overcome depression. Learn how to see it, live with it and to appreciate it in a most rewarding experience.
You have what it takes to be content, let’s help you remove those layers so you can enjoy who you really are. It’s a great way to start your journey in overcoming depression.
The human potential for happiness has never been higher. We have a more scientific understanding of satisfaction and how to achieve it. If you have experienced the devastating depths of inner consciousness, this course is for you. The lessons encourage a lighter, more rewarding engagement with a truly fulfilling life. This will help you in overcoming depression.
“Its hard to find happiness within ourselves, but its impossible to find it anywhere else.” ~ R. Ephraim Wachsman
identification of triggers
planning for trigger times
relapse prevention planning
video chats as required
Updated 13 January 2023, review 13 January 202