Whether you want to recover (like us) from Trichotillomania, an addiction, an illness, OCD or other BFRB, our entry level program can help.
This course can catapult YOU to the life you’ve always known was possible for you. Until now you thought this depended upon your willpower – join a team of people who have succeeded already – help improve the team and make it unstoppable.
Conditions like addiction and trichotillomania, they seem unstoppable, but this course can show you that YOU truly are.
- online lesson released every 7-10 days
- self reporting
- fortnightly video chat – only on weekdays not Tuesdays, 8 am to 5 pm, GMT
- one-to-one quality care
Welcome to our course for recovery from body-focused repetitive behaviours.
Recovery Made Easy is our simplest course while still containing everything that you need to become pull-free and stay there.
We know it’s possible because we’ve been where you are now. Who better to guide you on your journey to freedom than coaches who understand the challenges that have brought you to this page?
The Recovery Made Easy course uses a variety of therapeutic techniques including habit reversal and ACT to move you into recovery, teaching you skills and building a framework you can rely on for life, all at a comfortable pace.
Over a 12 month period you will: