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A series of uplifting, one-minute podcasts to motivate and inspire.
Potentia Podcast is quick, quirky and on point for defrazzling from everyday drama with strategies to raise a smile.
You don’t have to be ambitious to want the best from yourself and you don’t have to be hard on yourself to drive towards progress. Join us any time you want a little lift and something to get your mind-teeth into.
Potentia Podcast, series 2, 2 minute episodes in reverse order
Slipping up is a good thing, creating valuable tension against which we can push to recover.
We can’t always be our best, or it wouldn’t be our best.
Potentia Podcast, series 1, 1 minute episodes
Should we get rid of anxiety? What should you do if someone upsets you?
SERIES 1, episode 2: Get a mentor
Most humans genuinely want to help others. Paid mentors, of course, have chosen their profession. Choice of profession is often relevant to life experience.
SERIES 1, episode 3: feeling sad is great
Most humans genuinely want to help others. Paid mentors, of course, have chosen their profession. Choice of profession is often relevant to life experience.
SERIES 1, episode 4: gratitude
Most humans genuinely want to help others. Paid mentors, of course, have chosen their profession. Choice of profession is often relevant to life experience.
SERIES 1, episode 5: focus on you
Episode 5 of our ongoing podcast. Refers to episode 4 so you might want
to recap that one first. The form below might raise your