What is Body Dysmorphia
Are you too hard on yourself? Do you see yourself as less successful or less attractive than others? Image is integral to self esteem, so it can easily become an obsession, leading to increasingly unhelpful thoughts.
Body Dysmorphia is where a person looks at themselves and sees a vastly distorted image. They may see themselves as ugly or fat, when they are not seen that way by others.
When is Body Dysmorphia normal
Some difference in the way a person sees themselves and the way others see them is perfectly normal. For example when most people are asked to show the width of their hips with their hands, they will over-estimate. In order for Body Dysmorphia to be diagnosed, though, it is generally extremely distressing for the person themselves.
How we can help
Often when people read the research on self-perception, they begin to recognise that dysmorphia itself is normal and healthy. We then then discuss how we ourselves achieved our own recovery from Body Dysmorphic Disorder and, in a very caring manner, help the individual to build their own self-help manual for recovery.
Read our magazine for our thoughts and up-to-date information. It may answer any questions you have!