Metaphysics is a non-denominational approach to the unexplained.
Many people have heard of its concepts, such as those discussed in connection with Christianity in A Course in Miracles or the principles of Buddhism. Metaphysics takes a more scientific, non-religious and less rule-based approach to the same principles. The idea being that you; take what you can relate to and ditch the rest.
Metaphysicians believe that above and beyond the human mind and ego, there is a Higher Mind, to which we are all connected and which can connect to, for guidance and direction. Perhaps you believe it was this Higher Mind which helped you to click on this website and that we are linked for a reason.
What happens when one bubble thinks its a bath?
A human being is a collection of cells and bacteria, the collective ego of which confuses itself as an individual with a quantifiable worth.
The ego can form a “destroyer” – a part of the person which believes the whole person does not deserve happiness, health, success, prosperity, or any of the good things in life. According to metaphysics, this destroyer has been programmed by society and our parents etc. It helps when worries take over, to think “Oh, that’s just my inner destroyer. Nice try, guy!” and then attune again to the Higher Mind to feel safe.
Many people think that the Higher Mind is our connection to God. Some people find comfort in that one word, while other people are outraged by it. What matters is that there is a positive force both inside and outside of ourselves which continually strives for our personal and our planets’ growth. We are all part of that energy. This positive force is stronger than any problem could ever be, and can help us to overcome our problems.
The word Metaphysics consists of two words, Metta, a Buddhist word which has no English equivalent but means pure loving acceptance, and physics, which is of course a science: in fact, both are sciences.
You’ll remember from your physics lessons that there are two forces of energy, positive energy and negative energy. To simplify, we call Positive Energy “love” and negative energy “fear”. Fear is normal, perfectly acceptable but not always valid. Coaching trains us to attune to the positive. Most people are like pendulums, swinging constantly between love and fear, fear and love, love and fear. Coaching enables us to steer that pendulum to come back to the positive all the time.
The Law of Attraction:
In physical science, opposites attract – as a positive magnet will attract a negative magnet. In Metaphysics, the science of the MIND, the law is reversed. In terms of the human mind and the Universal Mind, Like attracts like so: Loving feelings and a loving attitude will attract loving relationships, tenderness, prosperity, health and happiness etc.
If we get too depressed and fearful, that will have a snowball effect. Like attracts like and we attract all life’s garbage towards us, in terms of poverty, bad relationships, ill health etc. Talk about life kicking you when you’re down! The power of love is always stronger. Fear can’t even hold a candle to real love like Metta.
In other words, whatever it is you are afraid of, if the fear is irrational, you can get through it with love. If you’re afraid of jumping off the Empire State Building, that’s a rational fear and one to be thankful for! If you’re afraid to go out of the house due to agoraphobia… well we have to look at the reasons for that, overcome them with love and reach the end of the panic.
© Dr Neomie Da Costa B.Msc.D. 2019
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